Get Insight into the Secrets of Earth's Climate

Explore the Interplay of Solar, Orbital and Atmospheric Drivers

yellow sunflower field during daytime
yellow sunflower field during daytime
Tsunami Warning Buoy
Tsunami Warning Buoy

First of all


Our models and tools are designed to meet the accuracy demands of the most complex climate research projects. Written in MATLAB and R, our software MILSPLINE calculates spectral solar irradiance and temperature at the surface. It is supported by robust validation base, with clearly defined domain of applicability to streamline the research process.

iceberg on water
iceberg on water

Not to mention

Explore the Solar and Atmospheric Drivers

IIncoming solar energy

green trees under blue sky during daytime
green trees under blue sky during daytime

And let's not forget

Unleash the Power of Data

Our model and data driven approach provides a unique perspective on the complex dynamics of the Earth's climate. Leveraging the latest research, we uncover patterns and relationships that go beyond traditional analysis.

About Us

Solar and Atmospheric Applications Research is a research company focused on building software tools for studying solar, orbital, and atmospheric drivers modulating Earth's climate. Our efforts are largely inspired by the work of M. Milankovitch.

Exploring the Climate, Quantifying Contributors to Climate Change

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